Past Virtual Meetings

Like many individuals and organizations, DAWN got a little creative during COVID. Below are the recordings of the virtual meetings we hosted.

Growing a Meaningful Business

Jared & Lindsay Storm, co-owners of Bushel & Peck Wildflowers

Jared & Lindsay are what you call "farmer-florists". They'll explain what that means, and share how they turned a small hobby garden into a sustainable business. They pride themselves on offering unique, hard-to-find blooms, old cottage garden favorites, whimsical arrangements, a seasonal floral subscription, and their customers' favorite "curated mixed bouquets" sold at local farmers markets during their growing season. The story behind the evolution of this business is one of growing, healing, and passing on the hope that comes with sowing seeds. If you know a budding entrepreneur or someone who adores flowers, invite them to join you May 13th!


May 13, 2021